

Years Of Experience


About Us

Using digital technology, Sote Hub trains youth and MSMEs from rural Kenya, urban poor often marginalized with fewer opportunities for career progression or business growth and successfully launch or scale into markets.

Through our incubation and entrepreneurship support programs, we have worked with over 700 MSMEs, of which 40% are women-led, providing job/ internship matching opportunities to about 800. We have provided agricultural business development service & support to over 17,400 cashew, passion, and mango smallholder farmers.

Our priority sectors now and in the next five years are:

  • Agriculture
  • Blue Economy
  • Climate Smart/Nature-based solutions
  • Digitization


Agriculture is a critical sector for economic growth and development in Kenya. It employs over 70% of the country's population and contributes about 33% to the country's GDP

At Sote Hub, we recognize the importance of agriculture and are committed to promoting:

  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Innovative Farming Technologies
  • Access to predictable and high paying Markets for Farmers
  • Access to service providers including crop insurance, input supply, financial service including affordable credit and extension.

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The Blue Economy

Kenya's coastline along the Indian Ocean is home to a vast exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of approximately 230,000 km², providing opportunities for sustainable economic growth through the blue economy.

At Sote Hub, we focus on leveraging the potential of the Blue Economy in Kenya's coast to drive sustainable economic growth, improve livelihoods, and create job opportunities in these value chains:

  • Fishing and Fish Handling
  • Aquaculture
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Maritime Transport and Logistics
  • Mangrove and other marine flora Conservation
  • Vessel Repair and Maintenance

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Climate Smart

Climate change is a significant threat to human society, and its impacts are already being felt around the world. Climate-smart initiatives seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to the changing climate, and build resilience to climate-related impacts.

At Sote Hub, we recognize the importance of climate-smart businesses and are committed to promoting practices that are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible, such as;

  • Renewable Energy
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Waste Management
  • Water Conservation

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At Sote Hub, we recognize the importance of digitization in promoting sustainable economic growth and development. To help MSMEs improve their business efficiency, we offer a digital solutions program that provides training on how to leverage digital tools to streamline business operations and increase productivity.

Our digital solutions program covers a range of topics, including:

  • Digital Marketing: We teach MSMEs how to leverage digital channels to reach a wider audience and grow their customer base. This includes training on social media marketing, search engine optimization, and email marketing.
  • Website Fundamentals: We teach MSMEs how to create business websites and mobile apps using the No Code platform
  • Customer Relationship Management: We provide training on how to use digital tools to manage customer relationships, including how to track customer interactions, respond to inquiries, and resolve issues.

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Here's what some of our clients have to say about their experience working with Sote Hub.

Patron Fred

Patron, Jaribuni Secondary School, Kilifi

Some of my students had never seen what a grafted seedling looks like much less of a cashew nut plant, some actually learned that cashew can be grafted from this project, I think the project is igniting the kind of interest we want for students in Agriculture because it is one sector that has been overlooked by the youth for a long time and that needs to change.

Matthew Mumo

M&E Lead at Grow Fairly

The cashew schools project has helped students to develop a better understanding on best practices for smart agriculture. It served as a revelation on the need to embrace farming as a tool for wealth creation to the youth and the local community.

Her Excellency Ambassador Katarína Leligdonova

Slovak Ambassador to Kenya

To the students benefiting, "Study smart and be brave when great opportunities are offered to you.

Stephen Mwangima

General Manager Feast Foods Processors Limited, Kwale County

Our plant has the capacity to process 100 Metric tons per day. We are ready to contract farmers, we are glad for the capacity building by Sote Hub because this will help in achieving our demand hence reducing the cost of sourcing the passion fruit from Neighboring countries, which is very expensive

James Muli

Yellow passion fruit farmer, Lamu County

Am excited by this project . Middlemen have been buying passion fruits from us at very low prices, actually throw-away prices. We have learned a lot through this forum. Now we know we can access service providers in the value chain and most importantly we have joined Witu Muungano Farmers’ cooperative that will negotiate better prices for us

Brenda Nduta

Technical Advisor, GIZ

This is a noble course because MSMEs create upto 80 percent of employment, establish a new middle class and stimulate the demand for new goods and services.

Dickson Mizinga

Crab Shack Watamu

The Go Blue training has helped us in many ways , part of them being value addition in foodstuffs. We used to have bottlenecks in operations of the restaurant including staffing and menu choices. We also had challenges in record keeping, but now we have seen a big improvement.

Jackline Tindika

Nyamone Sted Enterprises, Kilifi

I do fish rearing, horticultural farming and I have a water bottling company in Mtwapa. Initially I was doing KES 100,000 per month and now making upward of KES 150,000 per month.

Victor Nyamawi

CEO, Dream Doers Investment

A fight on climate change is a fight on poverty. Through this project I was able to identify how to strengthen and commercialize Azolla farming. Azolla farming is not only focused on food security but also climate change

Sheena Raikundalia.

Director, UK Kenya TechHub

It's an honor to be able to provide non-tech entrepreneurs with the right knowledge to get their online presence up & running in a few minutes.

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